TSPCI.ORGHome of the Sheepfold Pentecostal Church & ICCCMC


This is Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Gilberto Rosado and his wife, Jenny Rosado.

We welcome you to our church website where you can find most of our resources and information. This information a relative resources will be found within each main category within which it is related.

Feel free to browse and enjoy the resources we have: videos, pdfs, slideshows, pictures, etc.

If you should have any question at all, feel free to contact us by emailing us at: theoffice[at]tspci.org
We will communicate with you as soon as we receive it!

We broadcast live every Sunday at 12:30 PM EST at:

Also on these other platforms:
Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/truthvision
StreamUp: https://streamup.com/revdrgilbertorosado

